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We Take the Small Things, so You Can Get Back to the Big Things

"There were so many pieces of their life left to handle."

This is a sentiment we hear often.


Winding down affairs can be a daunting task. Executors and families are tasked with handling assets, debts, accounts, insurance, property, businesses, and the digital legacy. It's time-consuming, exhausting, and frustrating. Despite the universality of this experience, there is no roadmap.


LooseEnds is here to guide you through estate administration and the account changes that must be taken care of after death. 

Image by Jonny Gios
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There's Too Much To Do
The Average Person Has...

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Before LooseEnds

No Roadmap & A Never Ending To-Do List


Navigating Big Decisions Alone


Unclear how to Close, Transfer, or Manage Accounts


Long Wait Times & Repeat Calls with Customer Service


Not Enough Time to Call During Business Hours


Facing Late Payments and Fees


Dealing with Unforeseen Consequence


Not Enough Bereavement Leave to Handle Everything

After LooseEnds

Receive Personalized Roadmap + Timeline


Talk Through Decisions, Fears, Wishes


Get Instructions & Scripts When Canceling Accounts


Outsource to Our Team so You Don't Have to Wait


Receive Updates as Changes are Made


Receive Recommendations from our Experts


Utilize the Time You Have to the Fullest


Feel Supported Through a Difficult Process


Save Time and Reduce Stress

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